Explore Our Students' Creativity
Student Art Showcase
Spotlight on Student Artists

Briesias Picard Smith
Best in Show Middle School Award Winner

Mylez Stevens
Creativity Award Winner

Sahara Circle
Best in Drawing Middle School Award Winner

Jewlian Williams
Poetry Award

Parker Sampson
Best in Show Elementary School Award Winner

Gabrielle Sohappy
Best in Drawing in Elementary
WSK8 Art Show:
It was a night unlike any other at Warm Springs K 8 Academy. For the first time in the school’s 10 year history, staff organized an art and poetry show to showcase their student’s talents. The event came together in a beautiful way as the cafeteria was filled with color and excitement. 8th grader, Mason Frye, provided a soothing and elegant backdrop by playing the piano throughout the evening.
The show followed up on the success of the LAIKA animation and painting workshop students attended in April by LAIKA Studios. Staff members from LAIKA visited the school and worked with the students on stop-animation basics and painting clay busts of popular characters from some of their feature films, ‘Coraline’ and ‘Missing Link.’
“I wanted to do something to continue that momentum to showcase the talents and creativity of our students at Warm Springs,” School Counselor Anna Keifer said. “We have opportunities to highlight students for athletics and academics, the art show provided a platform to acknowledge students for their creativity with art and poetry.”
On display was a variety of artwork made by students in grades 2-8. This show featured digital artwork, drawings, paintings, mixed media, and original poems. Some of the creations featured elaborate drawings of animals, sports, landscapes, mythical or supernatural creatures, and much more.
“There was one elementary student who had a table full of creations that he had made out of cardboard and hot glue,” Keifer said. “One of my favorite pieces he made was a school bus he made out of a cardboard box. He drew the bus driver and students with Warm Springs K-8 proudly listed on the side.”
In addition to work submitted by individual students, some classes submitted work including Mrs. Calley Begay’s second grade class and Mr. Andrew Jackson’s health class. Begay’s class submitted beautifully drawn pictures of a sun setting over the ocean, while Jackson’s class submitted comic book-like drawings that told a story.
Doors opened for the show at 5:30. Families were treated to an array of snacks. There was a button-making station provided by Caldera Arts. A station where students and families could draw and create together. The Museum at Warm Springs hosted a table and we had a table with art on display from one of our local artists. Lastly, no one could miss out on the lifesize Crayola box, glue stick, and eraser on display.
The artwork and poems were proudly displayed on the cafeteria wall for anyone to appreciate. Two students read their poems aloud for all in attendance to hear. Three judges spent close to an hour inspecting each piece of artwork in order to make their decision on which students would be taking home awards from the show.
“The judges told me that it was a difficult decision to determine the winners of the certificates and prizes. They took their time and reviewed every piece that was entered and were very impressed with the creativity of our students,” Keifer said.
Altogether, there were six different awards, some for middle school students and some for elementary. At long last, the judges had made their decision and were ready to announce each winner.
The three judges were:
Brigette McConville, a Warm Springs local, is an artist and cultural anthropologist with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs where she works with children and elders in educational programming.
Speakthunder Berry, a Warm Springs local, is an artist and runs Speakerthunder Galleries. He is an active drum maker, logo designer, graphics designer, pen & ink artist, wood worker, painter and is considered to be a master salish artist. He not only served as a judge, but also had his own art displayed at the event.
Eloe Gill Williams, the Central Oregon High School Caldera Mentor, is a filmmaker and professional director from Portland. He has spent the last 20 years working on independent and commercial works that highlight his heritage and culture. He works with Caldera working with young people teaching different artist disciplines.
Speakthunder stepped to the mic and started to announce the crowd. Each judge took the time to recognize the talents of the artwork and poetry on display. The six winners were:
The 2024 Eagle’s Art Show Winners
The Creativity Award- went to Mylez Stevens (8th grade)
The Poetry Award – went to Jewlian Williams (7th grade)
Best in Show in Middle School School- Briesias Picard Smith (8th grade)
Best in Show in Elementary- Parker Sampson (3rd grade)
Best in Drawing in Middle School– Sahara Circle (7th grade)
Best in Drawing in Elementary- Gabrielle Sohappy (3rd grade)
(Pictures from the Art Show)
The first art show was a big success for both the school and the students. The event was an opportunity for students to showcase their skills with different mediums of art and poetry and express themselves. It would not have been possible without some support. Keifer would specifically like to thank the three judges, Caldera Arts, and the Warm Springs Museum for their attendance at the event.
“I want to thank Caldera for their continued partnership with our school. Caldera’s mission is to inspire and support youth from underserved rural and urban communities by awakening the potential of their creative voice,” Keifer said. “I also want to thank Angela Smith from the Warm Springs Museum for her attendance at this event. She was able to talk to families about The Warm Springs Museum and the collection of art for The 31st Annual Tribal Member Art Exhibit happening this fall. Lastly, I want to thank the three judges for their work and efforts in reviewing each piece.”
The evening came to a close with Dasan and Gavin Begay playing an honor song for all the students who entered something into the show. They were joined on the drums by third grade student, Henry Gleason.