(541) 475-6192

Christina Kelley BSN, MHL

District Nurse

390 SE 10th St, Madras, OR 97741

(541) 475-7265

Communicable Disease Plan
Health Services Plan

Jefferson County School District 509J is committed to prioritizing the health and well-being of every student. Our dedicated health service team is committed to providing care for medical needs that may arise during the school day. With a focus on safety and support, our comprehensive health service program ensures that every student feels secure and ready to learn. After all, healthy students are better learners!



We work with Advantage Dental to provide free dental screenings and services to all students, including fluoride varnish, silver fluoride, and sealants.

Schedule: Screenings are usually held in the late Fall and Winter.

Consent: Consent forms are sent home in advance for services. Only screenings can be provided without a consent for students K-8. Students in grades 9-12 require a consent to be seen.

Referrals: Student reports are sent home once collected. Advantage Dental will facilitate referrals for urgent cases as they are seen.


The Oregon Lion’s Sight and Hearing Foundation visits all elementary students yearly to perform school-wide vision screenings.

Schedule: Screenings are done within the first few months of the school year.

Consent: No consent forms are necessary. However, notification will be sent home prior to the screenings. Parents can choose to opt out.

Referrals: Student reports are sent home once collected. Parents are encouraged to contact the school or nurse if they need assistance in obtaining funds for an eye exam and/or glasses.


Jefferson County Education Service District completes hearing screenings for all Kindergarten students, transfer-in students in Kindergarten and 1st grade, students being assessed for Special Education services, and by staff referral. The initial screener is done using a pure-tone audiometer.

Schedule: Kindergarten screenings are completed in the fall. Special Education referrals, staff referrals,
and transfer-in students will be screened throughout the school year, as they arise.
Consent: No consent form is necessary.
Referrals: If a student fails two audiometer screeners in a row (usually completed two weeks apart), parents will be contacted for verbal consent to use the Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) machine for a third screening. Referrals are sent home only for students who fail all three screeners.


Release of Information
Medication Information for Parents/Guardians
Authorization for Medication Administration
Self Medication Administration
Milk Substitute
When to Send Students Home
Treating Head Lice
Student Medical Information