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(541) 475-6192

District Student Handbook

The material covered within this handbook is intended as a method of communicating to students and parents regarding general district information, rules and procedures and is not intended to either enlarge or diminish any state law, Board policy, administrative regulation or collective bargaining agreement. Material contained herein may therefore be superseded by state law, Board policy, administrative regulation, or collective bargaining agreement. This handbook has been prepared so the parents of students attending our schools may know the programs and policies of the District.

All students have rights. These rights carry related responsibilities on the part of each student. Students are charged with the responsibility to contribute to a positive educational climate, to actively participate in the prescribed learning activities, to use appropriate behaviors, and to protect their own rights and those of other people.  Although these rights and responsibilities are applicable in a total society, this document relates to, and is in force for those times and events that are considered “school sponsored.” A school-sponsored activity is characterized by one or more of the following:

  1.  Any activity on school grounds and school facilities during published school hours.
    2. Financing provided by or supervised by the school or school district.
    3. Supervision in any form provided by school personnel, on or off school grounds.
    4. Any activity that is the direct result of an in-school program.
    5. An extended amount of class time taken to plan the activity.
    6. Students using district provided transportation.


    The District will follow Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), and Jefferson County School District School Board Policy. Any information contained in this student handbook is subject to revision or elimination from time to time without notice. Whenever individuals are assembled, there must be certain regulations and responsibilities. These responsibilities include regular school attendance, conscientious effort in classroom work, and adherence to school rules and regulations.

    We suggest that you read and discuss each of the topics in this book with your student so that he or she will better understand the expectations and procedures of our schools. We sincerely believe that, as parents, you play the most important role in helping to achieve and maintain a successful educational program. We invite your participation and welcome any suggestions you may have to help us better serve your children. We are pleased to welcome you and your family to our schools. The staff is here to serve the needs of your child and we encourage you to visit your child’s school.  Questions that concern an issue in a particular school should first be addressed to that school and then, if necessary, directed to the appropriate supervisor or district administrator.