Student Services Staff
Director of Student Services
Student Services Support Specialist
Special Education Instructional Coaches
McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison
Ignacio Torres
Student Services Overview
Student Services is committed to serving all students who require additional support to be successful in school. Our office provides district-wide assessment services connected to the development of individual student education plans (IEPs) and 504 plans. Student Services also oversees counseling, nursing, and various alternative learning programs.
Transition services (ages 16 – 21) are available to special education students who graduate with a Modified Diploma, Extended Diploma, or Alternative Certificate.
Notification of Destruction of Special Education Student Records
Notification of Destruction of Special Education Student Records In accordance with state and federal regulations implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
Attention Parents/Guardians, Former Students, Eligible (Adult) Students: Special Education records that have been collected by the Jefferson County School District 509J related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of Special Education in the district, must be maintained under state and federal laws for a period of seven (7) years after Special Education services have ended for the student. Special Education services end when the student is no longer eligible for services, graduates, completes his or her educational program at age 21, or moves from the district.
This notification is to inform parents/guardians and former students of Jefferson County School District 509J’s policy of destroying special education records upon the expiration of seven (7) years from the date that services end. These records will be destroyed in accordance with state and federal law unless the parent/guardian or adult student notifies Jefferson County School District 509J otherwise. After seven years the records are no longer useful to the district, but they may be useful to the parent/guardian or former student in applying for Social Security benefits, rehabilitation services, college entrance, etc.
If you wish to maintain this information for your personal records and for any questions or more information, please contact the office of our Student Services Director, Kevin Gehrig, within the seven year time period at 541-475-6192.
Service Framework
Special Education
JCSD 509J is dedicated to ensuring equality of educational opportunities for all students. Students who qualify for special education services are assured of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) with specially designed instruction and related services to meet their educational needs.Special Education services are available in JCSD 509J for all students who have been identified as eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP).Students identified as eligible for special education services must meet the following two requirements:
- Federal and state eligibility requirements as having a disability in at least one of 11 handicapping condition categories
- Need specially designed instruction
To inquire about special education services please contact your child’s school.
Procedural Safeguards (English)
Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)
Director of Student Services
– Kevin Gehrig, Email
Student Services Support Specialist
– Shanee Rummel, Email
To inquire about records, please contact Shanee at the email above.
Section 504
Section 504 is a Federal law that prohibits disability discrimination by recipients of Federal financial assistance. All public schools and school districts, as well as all public charter schools and magnet schools, that receive Federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Education must comply with Section 504.
Under Section 504, an individual with a disability (also referred to as a student with a disability in the elementary and secondary education context) is defined as a person who: (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; (2) has a record of such an impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment.
To inquire about 504 evaluation or records for your child, please contact your child’s school.
FAN (Family Access Network)
FAN advocates link children and families to critical basic need services with the goal of keeping children healthy and in school. FAN provides a direct and convenient way within the school to connect children to vital resources, and coordinates with over 100 partners to ensure those in need are assisted quickly. FAN advocates support our most needy families, removing barriers and paving the way for a child’s success. Every year, FAN advocates improve the lives of nearly 7,000 children and family members in our community.
- Students who require special educational programs or services, or both, beyond those normally provided by the regular school program, in order to realize their contribution to self and society.These are students who demonstrate outstanding ability or potential in one or more of the following areas:
(a) General intellectual ability(often referred to as, Intellectually Gifted).
(b) Academic ability (often referred to as, Academically Talented) in one or more academic areas (including, but not limited to: reading, mathematics, science, and social science).
(c) Creative ability in using original or non-traditional methods in thinking and producing.
(d) Leadership ability in motivating the performance of others either in educational or non-educational settings.
(e) Ability in the visual or performing arts, such as dance, music or art.
JCSD 509J TAG Coordinators
McKinney-Vento: Students Navigating Houselessness/Foster Care
The McKinney-Vento Act’s Education of Houseless Children and Youth Program, ensures that houseless children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence or a supervising parent or guardian.
To inquire about eligibility or services, contact:
Ignacio Torres, Email
School counselors can help in a variety of ways. Most topics discussed with a school counselor fall into one of three areas:
- Academic Counseling: scheduling, forecasting, graduation progress, grades
- Personal/Social Counseling: tough life situations that may make it difficult to stay focused in class or on academics, mental health issues, relationship trouble, bullying, dealing with stress
To contact your school’s counselor, click on the link below and click on the school your child attends.
Health Services assumes responsibility for appropriate assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation, and/or referral activities for students in the school district. The department also serves as a direct link among physicians, families and community agencies to assure access and continuity of health care for students; provides relevant instruction, counseling and guidance to students, parents and staff concerning health related issues.
JCSD 509J District Nurse: Christina Kelley BSN, MHL
Phone: (541) 475-0337