(541) 475-6192


Joe Whitaker

District Facilities Supervisor

674 SE Buff Street
Madras, OR 97741

 (541) 475-3536

Jefferson County School District 509J is committed to the maintenance and upkeep of all district buildings and grounds.

Click on the appropriate links to access more detailed information.  If you have questions or concerns, please call our  Facilities/Operations Department at (541)475-3536.

Healthy & Safe Schools Plan

Facilities Use

Long Range Facility Plan


Asbestos Notification

As required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) you are hereby informed that various school buildings contain Asbestos-Containing Building Materials (ACBM). In
accordance with the AHERA regulations, an asbestos inspection and management plan was written and implemented on July 9, 1989. Thereafter, each six months the asbestos in various
school buildings will have periodic surveillance performed. Every three years the facility will be re-inspected completely. Asbestos found in various school buildings does not pose a threat
to health or the environment. Management plans are located in the building office and in the District Maintenance Office. These are available during normal working hours should anyone
choose to inspect them. A copy or parts of a copy may be purchased at the cost of copying. Anyone who feels there is damaged ACBM in various school buildings should call the District
Maintenance Office as soon as possible and report such a finding. District 509-J has on staff EPA and ODEQ trained members to inspect, write plans and work with asbestos. If you have any questions regarding the District activities in asbestos, please feel free to call Eddie Adams, District Asbestos Designated Person at (541) 475-3360.
Eddie Adams
Maintenance Supervisor

Facilities Pesticide/Herbicide Applications