(541) 475-6192

Contact Us

Jefferson County School District seeks input from stakeholders to help improve our schools and systems. If you have a comment, concern or complaint we ask you to follow district policies and procedures listed below

El Distrito Escolar del Jefferson County busca la contribución de las partes interesadas para ayudar a mejorar nuestras escuelas y sistemas. Si tiene un comentario, preocupación o queja, le pedimos que siga las políticas y procedimientos del distrito, como se enumeran a continuación.

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Complaint Procedures

General Comments, Concerns, or Complaints

General comments, concerns, or complaints should be dealt with first at the appropriate school level, building or department. Contact information for building principals or program supervisor can be found on our website or by calling our district main office at 541-475-6192.

Public Complaints Policy

Suggestion, Complaint or Commendation

Español: Comentarios Generales, Preocupaciones o Formulario de Quejas

Los comentarios, inquietudes o quejas generales deben tratarse primero en el nivel, edificio o departamento escolar apropiado. La información de contacto para los directores de los edificios o el supervisor del programa se puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web o llamando a nuestra oficina principal del distrito al 541-475-6192.

Política de reclamos públicos: español

Formulario de Queja Pública: Formulario de Queja Pública.pdf

Equal Opportunity

The Jefferson County School District 509-J does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran or military status, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, and provided equal access to all designated youth groups. In advance of events, persons needing accommodation or transportation because of a physical or mobility disability, or accommodation because of other disability such as hearing impairment, contact Kira Fee at (541)475-2804. For questions or complaints, please contact Lori Bonham, Title IX Coordinator/Human Resources Director at (541)475-6192 or titleix@509j.net, or ODE’s Equity and Civil Rights Office at 503-947-5600.

Equal Opportunity Policy can be found as follows:

Students: Policy JB – Equal Educational Opportunities

Staff: Policy GBA – Equal Employment Opportunities

District: Policy AC – Nondiscrimination

Sexual Harassment, Hazing , Harassment and Cyberbullying

Sexual Harassment, Hazing , Harassment and Cyberbullying are strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated.   District Policy and Procedures concerning Sexual Harassment are linked as follows: 

Sexual Harassment:  Policy JBA_GBN – Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures:  Policy JBA_GBN -AR – Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

District Policy and Procedures concerning Hazing, Harassment, and Cyberbullying can be found at:

Hazing, Harassment, and Cyberbullying:  Policy JFCF – Hazing, Harassment, and Cyberbullying

Complaint Procedures:  Policy JFCF -AR – Complaint Procedures

Español: Acoso Sexual, Hostigamiento, Hostigamiento y Ciberacoso
Las Políticas y Procedimientos del Distrito con respecto a Hazing, Acoso y Acoso Cibernético pueden ser encontrados en:
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