(541) 475-6192


Joseph Prechtl

Joseph Prechtl

Communications Director


(541) 475-6192 Ext. 2225

All media requests are directed through the Communications Department. Please contact our Communications Director at Jprechtl@509j.net or call the number below.


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Our Communications Plan

Jefferson County School District 509J is committed to providing timely, accurate and clear communication to all stakeholders. We seek to provide resources and materials to ensure families, students, staff, partners, media, citizens, and other members of the community are kept informed about our key priorities, successes, and challenges.

The Communications department works with schools and departments to ensure that everyone is informed and up to date on student’s, staff’s, and faculty’s experience in 509J schools.

We aim to ensure that families, students, staff, and the community know that students flourish here, we care for each other, and we get better every day.

We aim to celebrate the successes that happen every day in our buildings. If you wish to share an idea with us, please reach out at communications@509j.net.

We communicate through multiple channels including social media networks and our direct communication tool, ParentSquare. In order to receive important updates from the district, please ensure your contact information is up to date by checking with your children’s school.

District News

Jefferson County School District Moves Forward on New Bond Program

 MEDIA RELEASEFor Immediate ReleaseFebruary 15, 2022MEDIA CONTACT:Joseph Prechtl, Communications Coordinatorjprechtl@509j.net | 541-475-6192 ext. 2225 Jefferson County School District 509J Moves Forward on New Bond Program District Sells Bonds on the Market, Selects...

509J January Employee Spotlight

Carmen Lawson - Madras Elementary Kindergarten Teacher Question: What was your reaction when you found out you were nominated for the January Certified Team Spotlight? Answer: "As educators, our cup is usually full when students give us love and you know the things...

Madras High School to offer more support, enrichment for students

Madras High School is changing their school schedule in the second semester of school. The primary goal of this change is to offer students more support or enrichment, whichever is necessary for that student.  This time is called, “Support Seminar.” This is when...

Pathway to Substitute Teaching

509J Families and Community, The school district could use your help. We’d love to have you become a substitute for us. If you are interested in helping out or know of someone who might be, we’d love to hear from you. There is an opportunity to receive a Restricted...

Employee Spotlight for December

Jessica Swagger - MHS Counselor Question: What do you like about working at Madras High School? Answer: "I love working with the kids. I also think the staff is great. Like we have a great staff that's supportive and the camaraderie here and my colleagues they're...

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