Dear JCSD 509J Families,
In response to a growing number of questions, Jefferson County School District 509J is here restating its commitment to providing a high-quality education for every student, creating a safe and inclusive environment where diversity is valued and celebrated.
Our district believes the diversity of our students and families is a source of strength and should be honored and reflected in our policies and practices.
Our students, staff, and families originate from many different countries outside the United States. Federal and state law requires that all students be provided equal access to public education, regardless of their immigration status or that of their families or guardians.
Specifically, to the maximum extent permitted under law, our district will continue to prohibit disclosure, without parental consent, of student educational information, including the immigration status of any 509J student without appropriate local authority.
Our district will direct any and all legal requests for staff employment records, student educational records, school property access, or staff or student removal to be presented directly to our Superintendent.
Our district will not provide immigration officials with access to school property beyond the front office, without a court order. We will also not remove a staff or student for immigration law enforcement purposes without a court order or other legal authority.
Every student has the right to be safe, respected, and welcome in our schools. Our highest priority is the safety and well-being of students and our staff in our schools.
Superintendent Jay Mathisen