(541) 475-6192

Incoming 509J Kindergarten Families,

We know there are questions about when your student’s first day of school is. The following information should make everything easy to understand so you know when to get your student to school!

Teacher Calls: The week of August 26, your child’s teacher will call you to schedule a one-on-one meeting. During this conference, you’ll discuss your child and receive important information, including their start date.

Start Dates: Kindergarten students will start school on either September 5 or 6. Half of the students will begin on the 5, and the other half on the 6. All students will be together starting September 9.

Backpacks Provided: Every kindergarten student will receive a backpack at no cost from their school!

Class Lists: Class lists will be posted at each school on August 29 by 9 AM.

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