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Carmen Lawson – Madras Elementary Kindergarten Teacher

Question: What was your reaction when you found out you were nominated for the January Certified Team Spotlight?

Answer: “As educators, our cup is usually full when students give us love and you know the things that we do in the classroom, but it’s really surprising. It was surprising to me that a colleague, or a fellow educator, noticed the hard work that I was doing and I thought it was really kind”

Question: How long have you worked for the district?

Answer: “I’ve worked for this school district for three years. I was first an educational assistant and then I got my masters in teaching and Madras was the first school to hire me after I got my masters.”

Question: What is your favorite part about being a Kindergarten teacher?

Answer: “I just love the magic in the classroom when they’re really young. They still see a lot of magic in their day to day interactions with peers, day to day interactions with teachers, and I want them to be happy about learning. Something else I really like is when you see a student have that aha moment. When they’re getting they’re figuring out how to read or they’re figuring out a math concept. It’s really very rewarding to see them learn for the first time and making those connections.

Question: What made you want to teach Kindergarten?

Answer: “I really like the primary grades which Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd, those are the primary grades. I really like teaching students how to read and then I also like teaching students how to love school, and especially in kindergarten is their first experience and it’s important to me that they have a good experience in school so that they can be good learners through their whole academic career.”

Question: What do you like about teaching at Madras Elementary and in 509J schools?

Answer: “I really like the staff here. I like coming to work. The administration is very friendly and supportive. The other teachers are fun to be with and the educational assistants support me like none other. I feel very supported as a teacher. I just love the support that I felt from the community since I’ve started working here. I’ve gotten a lot of support from parents. I’ve gotten a lot of support from the district. I feel like if there’s any kind of project I ever need to do, I can reach out to someone in the community or someone in the district and it’ll help me with it.”

Wendy Hernandez – Buff Elementary Secretary

Question: What was your reaction when you found out you were nominated for the January Classified Team Spotlight?

Answer: “I was speechless when she told me and also very thankful. There have been some hard times and just to know that we’re getting appreciated for our hard work. It’s just, it’s just very heartwarming. That means to me that I’ve done my hardest to make sure that we’re covered in all areas and that everybody has the support they need.”

Question: How long have you worked for the district?

Answer: “I’ve been with the district for eight years, and I first started as an ELL assistant and then after that, I was a reading assistant.”

Question: What made you start working in public education?

Answer: “What got me interested was, when I was growing up I had trouble learning English. I felt like having more educational assistants or more employees that are bilingual would be very helpful. I noticed that when I started here, that was what was really needed and we needed things translated and interpreted for families. Before that, it wasn’t very common. Now we’re starting to implement it more.”

Question: What is your favorite part about being Buff’s secretary?

Answer: “My favorite part is probably just interacting with the students and the staff and then, you know, adding the parents to the mix. I just really liked the relationships that we have created with you know, just the environment here at Buff.

Question: What does your day to day look like?

Answer: “Day to day it could vary. So in the mornings, just to see who’s absent for today, staff wise, and then make sure we have coverage and if not, look for that. Then do attendance aata for the students that will be gone that day. Also just helping the walk ins if they need to check out their students or bringing in lunch. Also, we help with health room assistants. So they’ll come in and we’ll help with that. We help the teachers if they need certain copies done we’ll also assist with that or the copy machines. I mean, it just varies. My job is just to make sure we’re running well and that there’s no hiccups in the way. 

Question: What do you like about working for Buff Elementary school and 509J?

Answer: “What I like about working here with the district is they have implemented things to make sure they appreciate their staff and also support them wherever is needed. Working here at Buff. I feel like we just became kind of like a family and we’re there to support one another. If something goes wrong, we’re not afraid to like speak on it and then fix it.”

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