(541) 475-6192

By 509J Communications

The Jefferson County School District 509J launched a new website for the community to stay up to date on bond projects: www.509JSchoolBond.org. The work is starting to take shape after voters approved the district’s $24 million bond request in November 2021. As a renewal, the bond measure maintains the current tax rate and bond proceeds can only be spent on 509J schools as approved by the voters. 

The district launched the website in June in an effort to provide the community with real-time updates and transparency on how bond funds are used. Visitors can see what voters approved, where bond dollars are spent, projects at each school, what the bond oversight committee is working on, and more. When construction begins at each site, users can follow along for updates.

The 2021 bond was designed to address health, safety, and security needs, update and repair aging facilities, and expand vocational and early learning programs within the district. In addition to the $24 million approved by voters, the district received a $4 million matching grant from the Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching Program. This additional funding will support bond projects and help the district prepare for supply chain issues and rising costs.

If you have questions about the 2021 Bond Measure or would like more information, please reach out to us at bondprojects@509j.net.


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